1.2 Mobile Phones

Safeguarding and Promoting Children’s Welfare


1.2.1   Mobile Phones


Mobile phones have a place in settings, especially on outings when they are the only means of contact available and can be helpful in ensuring children are kept safe.


The pre-school mobile phone is always held by admin personnel as an additional line of communication. The pre-school mobile phone camera will only be used for recording maintenance issues and will never be used to take photos of children. In the event of an emergency, such as a lock down or medical emergency 999 call, a mobile telephone (either the pre-school phone or a member of staff’s telephone) may be taken into the pre-school building or outside area.


The safety of children in this setting is paramount. Casual or inappropriate use of mobile phones by staff may pose a risk.  Personal mobile phones (i.e. of staff, students, volunteers, parents or other visitors) must be kept in the office during sessions and are safely accessed at lunch times only.


Visitors to pre-school are prohibited from taking mobile telephones beyond the internal key coded door, as sign posted. This excludes parents and carers that are dropping off or collecting from pre-school although use of mobile phones is prohibited during these periods.


The statutory guidance listed in the Statutory framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage means that providers should take contact telephone numbers and a mobile phone on outings.  We do not store parents contact details on pre-school or staff mobile phones.  The only exception to this is the Administration Manager who holds contact details of committee members and staff on her personal mobile phone, to enable her to conduct pre-school business out of hours.


Use of Mobile Phones on an Outing


During an outing, photographs are only to be taken on a pre-school camera. This is so that we can ensure that images are not displayed on social media sites.  Parents are not permitted to take photographs during outings and, due to current restrictions, will not be allowed to use their mobile phones for the duration of the outing. The leader of the outing takes the pre-school mobile for use in emergencies. Staff will not have access to their own mobile telephones, following exactly the same procedure that is followed during a normal pre-school session.



This policy was Adopted at a meeting of Cullompton Pre-School (date)
Held on July 2011 (date)
Date to be Reviewed July 2012 (date)
Signed on behalf of the management committee  

Emma Jones

Name of signatory Emma Jones
Role of signatory (e.g. chair/owner) Chairperson


This policy has an annual review period and, as such, will be reviewed and signed off at a management committee meeting of Cullompton Pre-School each year, as shown below.



Previously reviewed on:- 16th May 2016 by


Sarah Lush
Previously reviewed on:-


27th February 2017 by


Jenny Keenor

Vice Chair

Previously reviewed on:-


26th February 2018


By Alex Fox Chair


Previously reviewed on:- 25th February 2019 By Alex Fox, Chair



Reviewed by Staff on:


24th February 2020 (MW,MG)
Reviewed by Committee on:


Date of next review:


February 2021
Signed on behalf of the Management



A Fox
Name of Signatory (printed):



Alex Fox
Role of Signatory (e.g. Chairperson)

