6.0 General Code of Conduct



(For Staff, Volunteers, Carers, Students, visitors, children and everyone who uses our pre-school)

At Cullompton Pre-School we recognise that caring for your children is a process that involves a strong partnership between home and school. It is very important to have a good relationship, and for this reason we welcome and encourage parents and families to participate fully in the life of our pre-school.

The purpose of this policy is to provide a reminder to all at our pre-school about expected conduct so that we can work together to ensure a safe and positive environment for your children.

Diversity is a tremendous asset for Cullompton Pre-School and we are committed to providing equality of opportunity and will not tolerate any illegal discrimination or harassment based on race, disability, religion, sex, national origin, social or economic background.

Respect and concern for others We expect parents and visitors to show respect and concern for others by:-

  • Supporting the respectful ethos of our pre-school by setting a good example in their own speech and behaviour towards others.
  • Working together with the staff of the pre-school for the benefit of the children. This includes approaching the pre-school to resolve any issues of concern, through discussion and aiming to clarify any specific events in order to bring about a positive solution.
  • Being aware of all relevant pre-school policies (copies of which are available in the main room or on the pre-school website).
  • Respecting the pre-school environment, including keeping the pre-school tidy by not littering.
  • Observing the pre-school rules regarding privacy with regard to the use of social media and sharing images.
  • Respecting our policy that mobile telephones should not be used on our premises and adhering to our Online and ICT Safety policy.

In order to support a peaceful and safe pre-school environment, we cannot tolerate:-

  • Disruptive behaviour which interferes with the operation of the pre-school.
  • Using loud and/or offensive language or displaying temper.
  • Threatening harm or the use of physical aggression towards another adult or child.
  • Damaging or destroying pre-school property.
  • Abusive or threatening emails, phone or social network messages.
  • Smoking, consumption of alcohol or other drugs, or entering the pre-school site whilst intoxicated.Any such behaviour on pre-school premises will be reported to the appropriate authorities by a pre-school manager. The committee may prohibit an offending adult from entering the pre-school grounds in order to safeguard our community.
  • We trust that parents and visitors will assist us with the implementation of this code.





(in addition to the General Code of Conduct)

The Code of Conduct forms part of an employee’s contract. Failure to comply with the associated Cullompton Pre-School policies may result in disciplinary action being taken and Cullompton Pre-School reserves the right to take legal action against employees where breaches of the Code warrant such action.

  • Staff should remember that the welfare of the child should always come first.
  • Staff should provide an example of the good conduct that you wish others to follow.
  • Staff should not raise their voices in front of children.
  • Staff should only restrain children for their own safety or the safety of others.
  • Adults and children have a responsibility to treat each other with dignity and respect.
  • Staff should be able to tune into the children’s physical, verbal and gesture/sign language, to understand and interpret what is being expressed.
  • Diversity is a tremendous asset for Cullompton Pre-School and we are committed to providing equality of opportunity and will not tolerate any illegal discrimination or harassment based on race, disability, religion, sex, national origin, social or economic background.
  • We encourage all staff to challenge any behaviour (staff, parent, child) that goes against this ethos.
  • Ensure that your behaviour at work or outside does not cause embarrassment to Cullompton Pre-School or reflect negatively on Cullompton Pre-School in any way that would bring its reputation into disrepute or cause a loss of public confidence. This includes through the use of social networking sites.
  • Staff should be clear about the purpose of any activity, which involves photography or recording of children. Staff must not take, display or distribute images of children, unless they have consent to do so.
  • Staff must report any behaviour by colleagues that raises concerns, by following
  • Cullompton Pre-School’s Whistle Blowing Policy.
  • Staff need to be familiar with and carry out all of the policies in place with Cullompton Pre-School.






The General Code of Conduct and the Staff Code of Conduct were adopted at a meeting of Cullompton Pre-School:-

Held on 12th March 2014 (date)
Date to be reviewed March 2015 (date)
Signed on behalf of the management committee Michael Hall
Name of signatory M Hall
Role of signatory (e.g. chair/owner) Chairperson

This policy has an annual review period and, as such, will be reviewed and signed off at a management committee meeting of Cullompton Pre-School each year, as shown below

Previously reviewed on:- 23rd May 2016 by


Sarah Lush


Previously reviewed on:- 21st November 2016 by


Sarah Lush


Previously reviewed on:-


13th November 2017 by


Owen Jones


Previously reviewed on:-


11th March 2019 by


Alex Fox



Reviewed by Staff on:


18th November 2019 (MW/MG)
Reviewed by Committee on:


Date of next review: November 2020
Signed on behalf of the Management



A Fox
Name of Signatory (printed):


Role of Signatory (e.g. Chairperson)

