Autumn Term Week 10

We have thoroughly enjoyed seeing everyone dressed up in pyjamas for the last two days to support Children In Need, the photos are lovely again this week – we have had a fun filled week!

Exploring the different citrus fruits and herbs in the mud kitchen, using the knives carefully which supports being safe and building strength and care using tools. The children have been in charge of turning the playhouse into different ideas for the week and the most popular were recreating “Mandy’s Office”! and “McDonalds”!

We are starting to think about Christmas now and will start to learn our songs for the Nativity – if you have any questions about plans for the party morning or afternoon please let us know.

We have been moving from learning about space to learning about our own planet and how to help to repair it, we have been talking about the nature all around us and we have bought some bird seeds and fat balls and feeders for the garden – if you have any spare ones at home or if you could donate one from home bargains we would love more (no peanuts or feed with nuts in please as we are a nut free setting!)

The Star group been working on the concepts of size, sorting and organising different items, they have made Pudsey bear masks for Children in Need and enjoyed making gingerbread men and developing their imaginations with pretend role play – a birthday party and a picnic! They really love to eat their snack together before heading outside and are all really confident now with the older children.

the Sun and Moon groups have learnt about jobs people do and what jobs they might like, and about birds and how they need help with food in the winter. The groups have also worked on what is healthy in lunchboxes and talked and practised what and how to recycle waste. They spent time out in the back garden, looking for birds, completing a tally chart of things they could see in our garden and then a tally chart of things they could hear too.

Our sun table has been a hive of papier mache – making our own Earth’s before our new globe arrives next week. The cardboard boxes have also been well used with lots of children building with them and sitting in them! Creating their own games and play.

Next week we continue with learning about planet Earth, we will also talk about Father Christmas and link how he travels around it visiting all the countries on Christmas Eve, we would like to know if you have any special traditions in your family culture for Christmas so that we can learn more about how different families celebrate.