Summer Term Week 3

We have loved our minibeast theme this week – we use a theme and a general over all place for ideas for activities and for planning so it brings lots of ideas together over all sorts of  fun play and craft. We have taught the children how to differentiate between the insects and talk about their characteristics which has promoted fantastic chat and learning opportunities.

We are going to carry the theme on next week too, we can add maths and literacy to the play and lots of learning about the world around us.

Perhaps you can spot bugs and mini beast in the garden or at the park and take a photo together!

Thanks again to everyone how raised so much for the sponsored bike ride!

Mandy has sent an email out about having face to face parent chats with your key person – please do email in to request an appointment.

Our circle times have been really fun and productive and we have some fantastic observations from the week.

Our Star groups have learnt a lot about jobs and occupations and the group leaders have been teaching them about where different animals live and drawing from nature too. They have listened to lots of different musical instruments and tried to spot which is which in a listening game.

The Sun and Moon groups have enjoyed many mini beast themed group activities, talking, learning, exploring, searching, making and creating their own mini beasts to take home! They have done stick insect yoga and made spider webs! The groups have practised putting on their own coats and shoes as quickly as they can, injecting a race into the activity! The children also really loved a skittles game using letters and their sounds and they were fantastic at spotting which skittle had the right letter on it for the object they had chosen.

Forest School has been another great success this week and the children have acted out the Bear Hunt Story -moving through mud and water and cotton wool for snow, then creating wonderful pictures to take home with the different textures. More hot chocolate and snacks by the fire and a teddy bear hide a seek with cuddly toys.