Summer Term Week 6

What a wonderful first week back we have had, the children were full of stories about their Jubilee celebrations – we heard about family parties and food and the Red Arrows were spotted by one little boy who was thrilled to have seen them!

This is a super busy half term with so much going on, we have Robot Reg visiting on a Friday afternoon for the Sun and Moon groups and we have taken two groups off to the Walronds this week for a few fun races and a picnic. We will be taking “graduation” celebration photos of the school starters over the coming week or so and will share the proofs with you so that you can buy a mounted picture to mark the end of their time with us. All money raised goes back into buying resources for the children as we are a charity!

Over the week we have been learning about the weather using different activities outside – we have had lovely floaty scarves outside in the wind and the little parachute men and we have drawn around our shadows outside and enjoyed a tea party too. We have filled the digging pit with top soil and there are some brilliant photos of the children working away on all their ideas!

The Star group have explored the hungry caterpillar story and life cycle too and will meet their very own real caterpillars today which they will care for and feed once they turn into butterflies and we release them in our back garden at our Hungry Caterpillar picnic party which is a real highlight of the year! They have also been learning about names, syllables and counting and making shapes with beads. The Thursday and Friday Star group also had their first Forest School experience out in the back garden, learning the skills and rules ahead of their sessions with a fire in the Autumn.

The Sun and Moons are back and very chatty indeed! Lots of great stories from home and friendships linked to which school they are going to are beginning to develop nicely. We have learnt all about counting and counting out the right amount of beads for a particular number, mini beasts, life cycles, letter sounds, met our real caterpillars and created some wonderful drawings for them and enjoyed a trip to the Walronds for Sports Day games.

We would love donations for next weeks learning – our focus is life cycles and nature and growth so we are looking at Jack and the Beanstalk and creating a garden centre role play so would love donations of cotton wool balls, jam jars, garden magazines and seed catalogues, white dried beans, garden forks/trowels and children’s watering cans please to support our role play garden centre next week